Policy Press
Showing 145-156 of 2,462 items.

Regulating Police Detention

Voices from behind Closed Doors

Custody visitors are volunteers who make unannounced visits to police custody blocks to check on the welfare of detainees. However, there is a fundamental power imbalance between the police and these visitors. This timely book offers detailed proposals for radically reforming custody visiting to make it an effective regulator of police behaviour.

Policy Press

What’s Wrong with Social Security Benefits?

This provocative short book is a valuable introduction to social security in Britain and the potential for its reform.

Policy Press

What Death Means Now

Thinking Critically about Dying and Grieving

Bringing 25 years of research and teaching in the sociology of death and dying to this important book, Tony Walter engages critically with key questions around this universal fact.

Policy Press

Affordable Housing in US Shrinking Cities

From Neighborhoods of Despair to Neighborhoods of Opportunity?

With almost one in ten post-industrial US cities shrinking in recent years, this book looks at the reasons for the failure (and success) of affordable housing experiences in these cities, stressing the importance of siting affordable housing in areas that ensure more equitable urban revitalisation.

Policy Press

How Inequality Runs in Families

Unfair Advantage and the Limits of Social Mobility

In the UK, as in other rich countries, the ‘playing-field’ is anything but level and the family plays a surprisingly crucial part in maintaining inequality. This book explores how seemingly mundane aspects of family life raise fundamental questions of social justice and calls for a rethink of what equality of opportunity means.

Policy Press

The Right to Buy?

Selling off public and social housing

In The Right to Buy, Alan Murie provides an authoritative account of the origins, development and impact of the policy across the UK and proposals for its extension in England (and decisions to end it in Scotland and Wales).

Policy Press

Kill It to Save It

An Autopsy of Capitalism’s Triumph over Democracy

Kill it to save it lays bare the hypocrisy of US political discourse by documenting the story of capitalism’s triumph over democracy. Dolgon argues that American citizens now accept policies that destroy the public sector and promote political stories that feel right “in the gut”, regardless of science or facts.

Policy Press

Supporting Struggling Students on Placement

A Practical Guide

Practical guidance that will further knowledge and engender confidence for any teachers, assessors and supervisors on courses with a practice learning component, based on the authors first-hand experience and international multi-disciplinary research and literature.

Policy Press

Advising in Austerity

Reflections on Challenging Times for Advice Agencies

Edited by Samuel Kirwan

Advising in austerity provides a lively and thought-provoking account of the conditions, consequences and challenges of advice work in the UK. It examines how advisors negotiate the private troubles of those who come to Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) and construct ways forward.

Policy Press

Poverty and Inequality

Edited by Chris Jones and Tony Novak

An examination of the consequences of poverty and inequality and the challenge they pose to the engaged social work academic and practitioner.

Policy Press


Edited by Peter Beresford

One of Britain's foremost social work academics, Peter Beresford, challenges the personalisation agenda and its consequences on service users.

Policy Press

Adult Social Care

An historical overview of adult social care that locates the roots of the current crisis in the under-valuing of older people and adults with disabilities and in the marketisation of social care over the past two decades.

Policy Press