Policy Press
Showing 1-12 of 2,456 items.

Zero tolerance policing

This book examines the key issues of what policing is about and who defines it by exploring the notion of zero tolerance and its application in different settings.

Policy Press

Youth, Work and the Post-Fordist Self

Drawing on empirical research, this book provides an innovative exploration of youth and work, showing how youth identities are connected with the dynamics of labour and value in contemporary capitalism.

Bristol Uni Press

Youth Work

Improving the Lives of Young People and Communities

Policy Press

Youth unemployment and social exclusion in Europe

A comparative study

Edited by Torild Hammer

Throughout the European Union, rates of unemployment among young people tend to be higher than among the general population and there is a serious risk of marginalisation and exclusion. This important new book presents the findings of the first comparative study of unemployed youth in Europe using a large and original data set.

Policy Press

Youth Prospects in the Digital Society

Identities and Inequalities in an Unravelling Europe

This book assesses the challenges young people face in the contemporary labour markets of England and Germany in the context of mass migration, rising nationalism and accelerating technological change, and considers the resources and skills young people in Europe will need in the future.

Policy Press

Youth Participation in Europe

Beyond Discourses, Practices and Realities

This timely book offers a fresh look at youth participation: examining official and unofficial constructions of participation by young people in a range of socio-political domains.

Policy Press

Youth Participation and Democracy

Cultures of Doing Society

This book introduces the concept of 'doing society' by exploring how Finnish youth engage in political action beyond traditional forms. Combining empirical research and theoretical innovation, it offers a holistic view of youth participation, redefining political action to include non-conventional and non-verbal expressions.

Bristol Uni Press

Youth Migration and the Politics of Wellbeing

Stories of Life in Transition

Drawing on accounts of unaccompanied migrant young people becoming adult, this book offers a political economy analysis of wellbeing in the context of migration and demonstrates the urgent need for policy reform.

Bristol Uni Press

Youth Marginality in Britain

Contemporary Studies of Austerity

This collections showcases contemporary research on multiple youth deprivation of personal isolation, social hardship, gender and ethnic discrimination and social stigma, drawing on findings of empirical studies that seek to explore the critical intersections of social class, gender and ethnic identities.

Policy Press

Youth justice in practice

Making a difference

This book examines youth justice in a UK and international context, highlighting the challenge facing all jurisdictions in balancing welfare and justice. It explores the impact of political ideas and influences on the structural and practical challenges of delivering youth justice.

Policy Press

Youth Justice

Towards a Contextualised Understanding of Policy-Making

Policy development and implementation has a pivotal role in the youth justice system, with a profound impact upon professionals and the children they work with. Presenting original research on a variety of stakeholder policy-makers in England and Wales, this book is key reading for researchers and practitioners responding to youth offending.

Policy Press

Youth Employment

STYLE Handbook

With contributions from over 90 authors and more than 60 individual contributions this collection summarises the findings of a large-scale EU funding project on Strategic Transitions for Youth Labour in Europe (STYLE).

Policy Press